
May 10, 2005

Meditation is preparation for the continuous steady state of
enlightenment, a process where one is adjusting to shift the
consciousness onto a higher level. Doing this requires con-
centration and undivided attention. Still, we cannot progress
by physical “force” or pure power of will. We have to reach a
higher (or finer) state where we are capable of oscillating the
energy state that enables the free energy flow without any
resistance or interference (i.e., lower consciousness or ego).

We have to become the flow itself in order to oscillate it.
Opening the higher frequencies requires everything the prac-
titioner has, but still it is not a process of becoming. It cannot
be achieved, it can only be realized. In other words, we have
to reach the state where the energy flow is self-sustaining and
harmonious. By will power alone we cannot sustain it. Also
premature stimulation of the energy centers is pointless, if not

At the urge of enlightenment we have to work hard to find
the right final tone missing. We have to reach for it and be
capable of sustaining it in order to open up the final barrier or
resonator. The consciousness shifts smoothly and under con-
trol to its natural state (or a physical place where we are able
to sense it) where it is out of the way (or in harmony) with the
energy flow.

The process is incremental and can take days. The practi-
tioner gets to know the new states and understands their
operations. This makes it easier and more familiar along the
way. The understanding and comprehension accumulates as
well. It is a very natural and harmonious but nevertheless
demanding process.

Some tips for a serious practitioner advanced in the journey:

  • You are not expected to do anything, only realize.
  • You cannot force it; it happens when you are totally
    relaxed and in harmony.
  • You must free your body of tension and the urge to
  • You should understand this is a quest of consciousness,
    not of the body or will power.
  • You must realize that until you are love and loving
    kindness in harmony, you are not there.
  • You must follow your instincts and be persistent.
  • You should understand it is not a competition or about
  • You should not exhaust yourself; nevertheless, the
    process is demanding.
  • You should be gentle and forgiving; unconditional love
    is all it takes.
  • You know, you can, so you are.

Advice for beginners:

  • You need firm concentration; once this is sustained, the
    practitioner is capable of maintaining that concentra-
    tion even while physically doing something.
  • You should understand that meditation only helps you;
    it is a technique—nothing more.
  • You can never be too humble, kind, and loving—these
    are the real exercise.
  • You can progress only through continuous and relent-
    less effort.
  • You have to be the harmony and love at all times—so
    you do not need any particular place or situation to
    practice it.
  • You should realize that frequent meditation sessions are
    most important, but the real test is your everyday life.
  • You need to understand that enlightenment should not
    be your goal—if it is, consider your motives once again.

This is the original text, and an edited version can be found in the Fragments of Reality -book.