About Petri Kajander

Petri Kajander is a purpose-driven founder with creativity and clarity in mind.

Petri has hosted Talks with Petri and Purpose ‘n Clarity -podcasts. He has lectured in universities, mentored entrepreneurs and business leaders, founded startups and the first free-market think tank in Finland, translated economics classics into Finnish and wrote about meditation and self-enquiry.

Media picks

Podcast: The Business Artist: Petri Kajander on Philosophy, Technology, and the Future of Work
TV: Government regulations for AI at an unusual closed-door meeting in the U.S. Senate | World Today
Podcast: The Prosperity Perspective: 80. More than Money: Building a Wealthy Mindset and Life
Podcast: #neuvottelija Sami Miettinen 143 – Talks with Petri Kajander
Podcast: Ammattipuhuja: 47. Petri Kajander
Panel: Estonian and Finnish perspectives on digitalization and entrepreneurship
Podcast: Genius Leadership Podcast: Motion is not Progress – with Petri Kajander
Seminar: Creative Destruction of the Crisis: New Opportunities for Digital Entrepreneurs (video)
Movie: Chasing Unicorns / Tommi (trailer)
Seminar: „The unicorn race: reasons why Europe is lagging behind the USA and China”
Book reviews: Talouselämä
Article: The Obvious
Article: Smart startup
Book chapter: Osaava omistaja: Omistamisen tulevaisuus
Article: To the moon and back in crypto, AR/VR, and for real in space
TV: Huomenta Suomi: Enbuske360: Vegaanius
Documentary / TV: Interview in Pelin henki -The Spirit of The Game (MTV3)
Article: Talouselämä: Löytyykö talouskriisin perimmäinen syy hyvinvointivaltiosta?
Article: HS: Gustav von Hertzen
Guest lecture: Talouden yleiset myytit ja virhekäsitykset
Article: HS Sunnuntaidebatti: Tiukkoja ehtoja saneleva rahankeräyslaki on kumottava
Interview: HS Meditoiva vegaani puolustaa markkinataloutta (en)
Article: Uusi Suomi: Veronmaksaja maksaa
Interview: Dawn: Some positive developments
Interview: Olli Posti: Kajanderin haastattelu